80 Leadership Quotes That Will Spark Your Fire (2022)
These leadership quotes will spark your fire. And they will guide you towards becoming a powerful and compassionate leader. Every one of us needs leadership skills and abilities. Regardless of whether you are a fulltime mother or father, a janitor, a corporate executive, a journalist, a farmer, content creator, an aspiring entrepreneur, or a student, you need leadership skills and character traits for every category of your life. So what character-traits and qualities make someone a great leader? Everydaywe are faced with tough decisions that affect our own lives as well as thelives of the people around us. Your ability to lead others will help youprosper in your relationships with your family, friends, peers, significantothers, and children. And it will help you thrive in your career, yourbusiness, your school, your sports team, and your community. Below are insightful leadership quotes from some of the greatest leaders in human history that define great leadership and explain wha...